Tim Henrique’s All About Powerlifting Review

TLDR: Tim Henrique’s All About Powerlifting: everything related to powerlifting

Powerlifting is a simple sport that competes in the big 3: the squat, bench press and deadlift. Each lifter is given 3 attempts to clock in a total. In Tim Henrique’s All About Powerlifting, he presents the sport, with topics ranging from its history, the form of the movements, interviews with top lifters, and even an introduction to the strict curl, which was a competition lift before deadlift took over it.

In this book, there is a heavy emphasis on the form of the exercises, with a lot of advice as to how to set up, the descent, and the finish. This book’s focus is on the powerlifting competition, with a ton of suggestions on programming, conditioning, weight class, and nutrition. The primary aim is to equip a lifter with all the knowledge related to powerlifting.

Featured in this book are some programs, but all of them can be found at t-nation.com. The programs have a different weekly frequency and are written specifically to the movement of the chapter. The reader is also taught to follow a phasic structure in their training, following a ‘Post Comp’ training, which is higher volume at lower intensity and frequency, to a Strength phase at moderate intensity and slightly higher frequency, and then followed by a peaking phase. Each phase contains programs that lifters can follow, and all can be found on t-nation.


  • Knowledge-dense book that covers most aspects of powerlifting
  • Good leisure reading for a meathead


  • Doesn’t delve too much into the science of training volume and frequency of powerlifting


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